Article 37. Legal Representative of a Minor Suspect and Accused
37.1. In the proceedings of cases related to minor suspect, accused and defendant, their legal
representative shall take part in.
37.2. A legal representative of minor suspect, accused and defendant shall participate in the
proceedings according to rules provided by Articles 364-377 of this Law.
Article 38. Defense Counsel
38.1. A defense counsel is a person who protects rights and legal interests of suspect, accused,
defendant and victim according to rules set by law and renders legal assistance.
38.2. If it is not possible for a professional defense counsel to get involved, a suspect, accused, or
defendant him/herself shall choose a person who do not have reasons to negatively affect the proceeding as defense counsel.
38.3. Defense counsel has the right to take part in criminal proceedings starting from the moment
when some one is deemed as suspect in a crime.
38.4. One defense counsel may not defend several suspects, accused, or defendants who have
mutually contradicting interests regarding a case.
Article 39. Selection and Replacement of Defense Counsel
39.1. A suspect, accused, defendant and victim shall have the right to select their defense counsel
39.2. With the consent or request of a suspect, accused, defendant or victim, his/her legal
representative, member of family, or relative may select a defense counsel for him/her.
39.3. One person may have several defense counsel.
39.4. When suspect, accused, defendant or victim has not selected a defense counsel, upon their
request, the inquiry officer, investigator, procurator, and court shall provide an opportunity for a defense counsel to participate in the criminal proceedings, but it is prohibited to urge to him name of a particular lawyer.
39.5. In the event when participation of defense counsel selected by the suspect or accused is
impossible, or challenge to the counsel, the suspect, accused, or defendant shall have the right to select another defense counsel.
Article 40. Obligatory Involvement of Defense Counsel
40.1. The participation of defense counsel in a judicial examination shall be obligatory in cases of
following suspect, accused or defendant:
40.1.1. mute, deaf, blind, and other persons who by reason of their physical or mental defects are not able to exercise their right to defense themselves;
40.1.2. minors;
40.1.3. persons who do not have command of Mongolian language;
40.1.4. to whom death penalty may be applied;
40.1.5. if one of suspects, accused or defendants who have contradicting interests on a case has a
defense counsel, then other suspects, accused or defendants.
40.2. If in instances provided for in Article 40.1. of this Law, defense counsel is not engaged by the
suspect, accused, and defendant him/herself, or by his legal representative, member of family, relative or by other persons upon his/her commission, the inquiry officer, investigator, procurator or court shall be obliged to secure the participation of defense counsel in the case.
Article 41. Duties and Rights of Defense Counsel
41.1. Defense counsel shall be obliged to protect rights and legal interests of suspect, accused, or
defendant and provide legal assistance to them.
41.2. The defense counsel shall not have the right to withdraw from the defense without a valid
reason from the moment of consent or assignment and shall not have a right to collect evidence by illegal means.
41.3. Defense counsel shall have the following right:
41.3.1. to meet with the suspect, accused, or defendant along from the moment he/she is permitted to participate in a case, be present at their interrogation and to put questions;
41.3.2. to submit petition to collect objects, documents, information and other evidences required for providing legal assistance as stated in Article 92 of this Law or to present them and to have them
inspected and included in the file of the case;
41.3.3. to be present at the interrogation of victims, witnesses and experts, to put questions to them;
41.3.4. to be present during the execute of any other investigative actions performed upon petition of the suspect, accused, or defendant, and put questions to other participants such as witnesses, expert etc of the executing of the actions at any moment;
41.3.5. to get acquainted with the record of procedural actions and to submit written proposal to make corrections;
41.3.6. with the consent of individual persons or organizations to require from them explanations and references,
41.3.7. to submit challenges to inquiry officer, investigator, procurator, translator, interpreter, judge, citizens' representative and secretary of a judicial session;
41.3.8. upon completion of the inquiry or investigation to become acquainted with all the materials of the case and at his own expenses make copies some of the materials which do not contain secrets
of state, organizations, and individuals;
41.3.9. participate in judicial examination in the court;
41.3.10. to lodge a complaint on actions and decisions of inquiry officer, investigator, procurator, and court.
41.3.11. to be present at his/her will in resolving by court the issue of arrest or confinement under guard of the suspect or accused being defended and to submit comments to the court;
41.3.12. to participate at his/her will in the appellate or supervisory instance court hearing.
Rights during trial - legal assistance
Rights during investigation - legal assistance