Article 276. Examination of Local Area and Premises
276.1. If the bench deems necessary, an examination of premises or local area where the case is
committed or of other premises or local area may be carried out in the presence of the parties, witness, experts and other participants.
276.2. Upon arrival at the place of the view, the chair of the judicial session shall announce the
continuation of the judicial session, and the court shall commence the view; in this regard questions may be asked of the defendant, victim, witnesses and expert in connection with the view.
276.3. Persons present at the view may direct the attention of the court to everything which in their opinion have significance for elucidation of the circumstances of the case.
Article 277. Experiment
277.1. If it is necessary reproduce any event, action or other circumstance for purposes of verifying or proving documents attached to the case the court may perform an experiment upon request of the parties.
277.2. Parties, witnesses and other participants must be present during an experiment .
277.3. The experiment shall be performed in conformity with procedures set forth in Article 131 of this Law.
Examination of places or sites - national proceedings