§ 3. Enforcement of sentences of imprisonment
Section 66
§ 3 of this chapter applies to a request of the ICC to enforce a sentence of imprisonment it has imposed:
(a) if the Netherlands has indicated its willingness to accept sentenced persons and the ICC designates the Netherlands in accordance with article 103, paragraph 1 (a), of the Statute;
(b) if the Netherlands is obliged, as host State, to enforce the sentence of imprisonment in accordance with article 103, paragraph 4, of the Statute.
Section 67
1. In the case referred to in section 66 (a), Our Minister shall decide whether the designation by the ICC is accepted.
2. Article 10 of the Criminal Code shall not apply to a decision of Our Minister as referred to in subsection 1.
3. Our Minister shall notify the ICC as soon as possible of his decision.
4. The enforcement shall be carried out by Our Minister on the recommendation of the public prosecutor at The Hague District Court.
Willingness to accept sentenced persons