
Constitution of Uruguay

Rights, Duties and Guarantees

Chapter I

Article 15.
No one may be arrested except in case of flagrante delicto or by written order of a competent judge based on reasonable grounds.

Article 16.
In any of the cases contemplated in the preceding article, the judged, under the gravest responsibility, shall take the declaration of the person under arrest within twenty-four hours and shall begin the summary process within forty-eight hours at the most. The declaration of the accused must be taken in the presence of his defender. The latter shall also have the right to attend all summary hearings.

Article 17.
In the event of unlawful detention, the interested party or any other person may apply to the competent Judge for a writ of "habeas corpus" to the end that the detaining authority shall immediately explain and justify the legal grounds for such detention, the decision of the aforementioned Judge being final.

Article 18.
The laws shall establish the procedure and formalities of trials.

Article 19.
Trials by commission are prohibited.

Article 20.
The taking of an oath by the accused in making a declaration or confession regarding his own acts is abolished; and it is prohibited that the accused shall be treated as a criminal.

Article 21.
Criminal trials in absentia are likewise abolished. The law shall make suitable provision to this effect.

Article 22.
Every criminal trial shall begin with an accusation by a complaining witness, or by the public prosecutor, secret examinations being abolished.

Article 23.
All judges are responsible before the law for the slightest infringement of the rights of individuals as well as for deviation from the established order of procedure in that respect.


Fair trial standards