
Law No. 9205 on the Justice Collaborators and Witness Protection (2004)



Article 5

The area of activity of the Directorate of Justice Collaborators and Witness Protection

The Directorate for Justice Collaborators and Witness Protection exercises the following competencies:
a)prepares for review by the Commission of Evaluation of Special Measures of the Witness Protection and Justice Collaborators, proposals sent by the prosecutor for taking special measures of protection;

b)upon the request of the Prosecutor or the Commission of Evaluation of Special Measures of the Witness Protection and Justice Collaborators, and after performing the necessary verifications, presents additional information related to the technical aspects of the proposal for implementing the special measures of protection;

c)decides the application of temporary measures of protection until the final decision is taken by the Commission of Evaluation of Special Measures of the Witness Protection and Justice Collaborators in the cases and manner provided in this law;

ç) prepares and signs the agreements on the special measures of protection with the protected persons in accordance to this law;

d)follows up the implementation of the special measures of protection, approved by the Commission of Evaluation of Special Measures of the Witness Protection and Justice Collaborators;

dh) administers the database related to the activity of the Directorate and the progressing of the special measures of protection, and takes measures to safeguard and administer them in compliance with the appropriate level of the classification of the information, in accordance to the provisions in force;

e)administers the assets and funds in the disposal of the Directorate for the exercising of its activity and implementation of the special measures of protection;

ë) proposes and takes measures for coordinating the work with other institutions for the development of activities and implementation of the special measures of witness protection and justice collaborators;

f) manages the issues of collaboration with international bodies or other states, in the area of witness protection and justice collaborators;

g) prepares periodical reports on its activities, and makes proposals for the improvement of the legislation and activities of the institutions, for the implementation of special measures of witness protection and justice collaborators.

2. The Directorate of Witness Protection and Justice Collaborators, after receiving the approval in principle of the Commission of Evaluation of Special Measures of Witness Protection and Justice Collaborators, prepares the rules of a technical and operative character, for the conditions, methodologies and procedures of verification, preparation and implementation of ordinary and special measures of protection, for the manners, forms and means of communication, as well as for the administration of acts and information related to its activity .


Cooperation under procedures of national law