
Law No. 9205 on the Justice Collaborators and Witness Protection (2004)

Article 11

Responsibilities for implementing the special protection measures

1. The Directorate of Witness Protection and Collaborators of Justice is responsible for the preparation, coordination and pursuance of the implementation of the special protection measures.

2. Ministries and other central institutions, based on the responsibilities and tasks provided by law, organize the work and are responsible for pursuing and implementing common and special protection measures for the protected people.

3. The bodies, mentioned in point 2 of this article, coordinate their work with the Directorate of Witness Protection and Collaborators of Justice, reply to the requests of this Directorate and those to the prosecutors, as well as inform on issues and circumstances that have to do with the preparation of proposals, implementation of special protection measures and relevant agreements made for this reason with the protected persons.

4. The detailed rules related to the tasks, responsibilities, forms, coordinating and informing procedures between the institutions, are to be defined by joint instructions of the Minister of Public Order, Minister of Justice and General Prosecutor.


Competent national authority
Cooperation under procedures of national law