Bosnia and Herzegovina

Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina



Special Condition for Release from Punishment for Criminal Offences Perpetrated by Negligence
Article 52

The court may release the perpetrator from punishment for a criminal offence perpetrated by negligence when the consequences of the criminal offence perpetrated affect the perpetrator so severely that imposing a punishment would obviously not serve the purpose of punishment.

Concurrence of Criminal Offences
Article 53

(1) If the perpetrator, by a single action or by several actions, has perpetrated several criminal offences, for which he is tried at the same time, the court shall first mete out the punishment for each of the offences separately, and then proceed with imposing a compound punishment of long-term imprisonment, compound punishment of imprisonment or a compound fine for all the offences taken together.
(2) The court shall adhere to the following rules in imposing compound punishment:
a) If the court has determined a punishment of long-term imprisonment, or long-term imprisonment and imprisonment, for the concurrent criminal offences, the compound punishment must be higher than each of the individual punishments, but must not exceed a period of forty-five years;
b) If the court has determined punishment of imprisonment for the concurrent criminal offences, the compound punishment must be higher than each of the individual punishments, but the compound punishment may not be as high as the sum of all incurred punishments, nor may it exceed a period of twenty years;
c) If the court has determined a punishment of imprisonment exceeding ten years for two or more concurrent criminal offences, the court may impose a compound punishment of long-term imprisonment that shall not be as high as the sum of all individual punishments;
d) If for each of the offences perpetrated in concurrence a punishment of imprisonment not exceeding three years is prescribed, the compound punishment may not exceed eight years;
e) If fines only have been meted out by court for the criminal offences in concurrence, the compound punishment must be bigger than any individual determined fine, but it may not exceed the sum of all fines meted out.
(3) If the court has meted out punishments of imprisonment for some of the concurrent criminal offences, and fines for others, it shall impose one punishment of imprisonment and one fine, in accordance with the provisions set forth in items b) through d) of paragraph 2 of this Article.
(4) The court shall impose an accessory punishment if it is determined for any one of the concurrent criminal offences, and if it has meted out several fines, it shall impose a single fine in following the provisions set forth in item d), paragraph 2 of this Article.
(5) If the court has meted out a punishment of imprisonment and juvenile imprisonment for the concurrent criminal offences, it shall impose punishment of imprisonment as the compound sentence, applying the rules set forth in item b) and c) of paragraph 2 of this Article.

Continued Criminal Offence
Article 54

(1) The provisions of this Code regarding concurrence of criminal offences shall not apply to a criminal offence arising out of the same transaction.
(2) A criminal offence arises out of the same transaction when the perpetrator intentionally perpetrates a number of identical criminal offences or offences of the same type in which, according to the manner of perpetration, the temporal connection and other material circumstances connecting them constitute a whole.
(3) When a criminal offence arising of the same transaction comprises offences of the same legal description, the court shall choose the type and the range of the punishment prescribed for such a criminal offence. If criminal offences of the same type are at issue, the court shall choose the type and the range of punishment prescribed for the most serious of these offences.

Meting out Punishment of a Convicted Person
Article 55

(1) If a convicted person is tried for a criminal offence he had perpetrated before commencing to serve the previous sentence, or for a criminal offence he perpetrated while serving a sentence of imprisonment, long-term imprisonment or juvenile imprisonment, the court shall impose a compound punishment for all the criminal offences applying provisions set forth under Article 53 (Concurrence of Criminal Offences) of this Code, taking the punishment from the earlier sentence as an already fixed punishment. The sentence or part of the sentence, which the convicted person had already served, shall be credited towards the imposed sentence of imprisonment or long-term imprisonment.
(2) For criminal offences perpetrated during the course of serving the punishment of imprisonment, long-term imprisonment, or juvenile imprisonment, the court shall determine the perpetrator's punishment independently of the punishment for the earlier sentence in cases when the application of the provisions set forth under Article 53 of this Code would lead to failure to achieve the purpose of punishment considering the duration of non-served portion of the previous sentence.

Credit for the Period Spent in Custody and Credit for Punishment under an Earlier Sentence
Article 56

(1) The time spent in custody pending trial, as well as any deprivation of freedom related to the criminal offence, shall be counted as part of the sentence of imprisonment, long-term imprisonment, juvenile imprisonment or the fine.
(2) In each counting of the credit, one day spent in custody pending trial, one day of deprivation of freedom, one day of juvenile imprisonment, one day of imprisonment, one day of long-term imprisonment and a fine of 100 KM, shall be deemed equal.

Credit for the Detention and Sentence Served Abroad
Article 57

The detention, deprivation of freedom in the course of an extradition procedure, as well as the punishment which the perpetrator served upon a judgement of a foreign court, shall be credited toward service of the sentence imposed by the domestic court for the same criminal offence, whereas if the punishments are not of the same kind, the deduction of the punishment served abroad shall be effected in a way the court finds fit.


Sentencing - national proceedings
Determination of sentence - national proceedings