
Law No. 3948/2011 on the adaptation of internal law to the provisions of the ICC Statute, adopted by Law 3003/2002 (A '75)



Art. 28
Requests for taking and production of evidence

1. Any request for taking and production of evidence, done in English and officially translated in Greek language, shall be directed to the Secretary of State for Justice, Transparency and Human Rights and consequently shall be forwarded to the Office of the Prosecutor of the Court of Appeals.

2. The Prosecutor of the Court of Appeals shall forward the request to the Investigating Judge of the Appeals Court, duly appointed by the Head of the Court's Administration.

3. The Investigating Judge of the Appeals Court may, after duly authorized by the General Attorney of the Supreme Court, travel outside the vicinity of Athens Appeals Court for the purpose of taking and producing evidence or to assign this task to the Investigating Judge of the local Court of 1St Instance.

4. Any act of taking and producing evidence shall be conducted according to the provisions of national legislation. In exceptional circumstances, the Prosecutor of the Appeals Court may allow the persons whose are designated in the request be present and provide their assistance in the course of its execution.

Art. 29
Serving of summons to appear before the ICC

1. The summons to appear before the ICC, according to the provisions laid down in art. 58 par. 7 of the ICC Statute, shall be served on the person concerned by the Prosecutor of the Court of 1St instance of the place of his/her residence.

2. Witnesses and experts who are summoned as above and fail to comply, shall be produced forcibly to the ICC upon request and shall be surrendered to the Dutch authorities.

Art. 30
Furnishing of information to the ICC

The competent Greek Authorities shall furnish the ICC with certificates of criminal records and every other relevant information for the needs of a specific criminal case as requested, under the same terms and conditions these data are furnished to the Greek judicial authorities.


Other forms of cooperation
Cooperation under procedures of national law
National procedures for execution of requests for other forms of cooperation
Request for other forms of cooperation