Art. 53 Conditions
1 Upon the request of the Court, Switzerland may accept the enforcement of a final and executable sentencing decision, if:
a. the convicted person is a Swiss citizen; or
b. if the person’s usual residence is in Switzerland.
2 Fines may also be executed if the convicted person’s usual residence is outside of Switzerland, but the person has assets in Switzerland.
Art. 54 Decision on the request of the Court for executing a sentence of imprisonment
1 Upon consultation with the authorities to be designated to execute sentences of imprisonment, the Central Authority shall decide on a request of the Court for executing a sentence of imprisonment.
2 If the Central Authority accepts the request, it shall notify the Court and transmit all relevant information regarding the execution of the sentence.
Art. 55 Execution of the sentence of imprisonment
1 Upon acceptance of the request by the Central Authority, the sentence of imprisonment imposed by the Court shall become executable in Switzerland. The sentence shall be binding; only the Court shall have the right to decide on any reduction of the term of imprisonment.
2 The sentence shall be executed in accordance with Swiss law, subject to paragraph 1.
3 Upon the request of the Court, the Central Authority shall transmit all relevant information concerning the execution of the sentence to the Court. The Court may at any time send one of its members to verify the conditions of imprisonment and meet unaccompanied with the convicted person.
4 Communications between the Court and the convicted person shall be confidential.
Art. 56 Requests of the convicted person
If the convicted person submits a request for conditional release, pardon, appeal, or retrial, the request shall be transmitted to the Central Authority. The Central Authority shall immediately forward the request with all useful documentation to the Court.
Enforcement of sentence of imprisonment