Article 10
An article 136 sexies shall be inserted into the same Title and shall read as follows:
“Article 136 sexies
Whosoever manufactures, possesses or transports an instrument or device or any other object, erects a structure or alters an existing structure, in the knowledge that the instrument, device, object, structure or alteration is intended for the commission or to assist the commission of one of the offences referred to in articles 136 bis, 136 ter or 136 quater, shall be liable to the same penalty as that laid down for the offence whose commission they have enabled or facilitated.”
Article 11
An article 136 septies shall be inserted into the same Title and shall read as follows:
“Article 136 septies
The following shall be subject to the penalty laid down for the completed offence:
(5) a failure, on the part of those with knowledge of an order given to commit such an offence, or of facts constituting the beginning of such commission, and who were in a position to prevent such commission or to bring it to an end, to do everything in their power to prevent or end the commission of the offence
Command responsibility - national proceedings
Superior responsibility - national proceedings