
Provisions of the Spanish Criminal Code Concerning International Crimes. Integrated Text Containing the Amendments Introduced by the Ley Organica 15/2003 Implementing the Statute of the International Criminal Court

Offences against the International Community

Offences against Protected Persons and Property in the Event of Armed Conflict

Article 609
Anyone who, in the event of an armed conflict, mistreats or seriously endangers the life, health or integrity of any protected person, subjects him or her to torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments, wilfully causes him or her great suffering, or subjects him or her to any medical treatment that is inappropriate given the state of health of that person or is not in accordance with generally recognised medical principles that the Party responsible for the treatment would apply, in similar medical circumstances, to his own free national citizens, shall be sentenced to four to eight years’ imprisonment, which shall be in addition to any sentence imposed for the resulting injuries.


Biological experiments - IAC
Humiliating and degrading treatment - IAC
Humiliating and degrading treatment - NIAC
Inhuman treatment - IAC
Medical experiments - IAC
Medical experiments - NIAC
Torture - IAC
Wilfully causing great suffering - IAC
Wilfully causing serious injury to body - IAC
Wilfully causing serious injury to health - IAC