Offences against the International Community
Offences against Protected Persons and Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
Article 610
In the event of an armed conflict, anyone who uses or orders the use of methods or means of warfare that are prohibited, or whose objective purpose is to cause unnecessary suffering or additional harm, as well as those that are intended to cause, or can be reasonably expected to cause, widespread, long-lasting, and grave damage to the natural environment, affecting the health or survival of the population, or orders there to be no quarter, shall be sentenced to ten to fifteen years’ imprisonment, which shall be in addition to any sentence imposed for the damage caused.
Denial of quarter - IAC
Denial of quarter - NIAC
Employing asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices - IAC
Employing bullets which flatten or expand - IAC
Employing poison or poisoned weapons - IAC
Employing weapons, projectiles and materials and methods of warfare which are inherently indiscriminate - IAC
Employing weapons, projectiles and materials and methods of warfare which cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering - IAC
Intentionally launching attacks that will cause environmental damage - IAC