
Provisions of the Spanish Criminal Code Concerning International Crimes. Integrated Text Containing the Amendments Introduced by the Ley Organica 15/2003 Implementing the Statute of the International Criminal Court

Offences against the International Community

Offences against Protected Persons and Property in the Event of Armed Conflict

Article 611
In the event of an armed conflict, a sentence of ten to fifteen years’ imprisonment, which shall be in addition to any sentence imposed for the damage or injury caused, shall be imposed on anyone who does any of the following:
2nd. Destroys or damages, violating the rules of international law applicable to armed conflicts, non-military ships or aircraft of an adversary or a neutral party unnecessarily and without warning and without taking the necessary measures to protect the security of personnel and the conservation of documentation on board.


Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects - IAC
Not affording judicial guarantees to the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions - NIAC