South Africa

Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Act No. 27 of 2002)

Chapter 4
Cooperation With and Assistance To Court In or Outside South Africe (ss 8-32)

Part 1
Cooperation with court: arrest of persons and their surrender to court (ss 8-13)

13 Discharge of persons not surrendered

(1) Where the Court informs the Central Authority that a person arrested in terms of this Act is no longer required to be surrendered to it or into the custody of a state for purposes of serving a sentence imposed by the Court, as the case may be, the Central Authority must inform the magistrate who ordered the surrender accordingly.

(2) The magistrate concerned must, on receipt of such notification, immediately cancel the order referred to in section 10 (5) and cause the person in question to be released from custody if he or she is in detention.


Release prior to surrender