
International Criminal Court (Consequential Amendments) Act 2002

Schedule 1—Amendment of the Criminal Code Act 1995

Chapter 8—Offences against humanity and related offences

Division 268—Genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes against the administration of the justice of the International Criminal Court

Subdivision D—War crimes that are grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and of Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions

268.24 War crime—wilful killing
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator causes the death of one or more persons; and
(b) the person or persons are protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(c) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the person or persons are so protected; and
(d) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for life.
(2) Strict liability applies to paragraph (1)(b).

268.25 War crime—torture
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator inflicts severe physical or mental pain or suffering upon one or more persons; and
(b) the perpetrator inflicts the pain or suffering for the purpose of:
(i) obtaining information or a confession; or
(ii) a punishment, intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) a reason based on discrimination of any kind; and
(c) the person or persons are protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(d) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the person or persons are so protected; and
(e) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 25 years.
(2) Strict liability applies to paragraph (1)(c).

268.26 War crime—inhumane treatment
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator inflicts severe physical or mental pain or suffering upon one or more persons; and
(b) the person or persons are protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(c) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the person or persons are so protected; and
(d) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 25 years.
(2) Strict liability applies to paragraph (1)(b).

268.27 War crime—biological experiments
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator subjects one or more persons to a particular biological experiment; and
(b) the experiment seriously endangers the physical or mental health or integrity of the person or persons; and
(c) the perpetrator’s conduct is neither justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the person or persons nor carried out in the interest or interests of the person or persons; and
(d) the person or persons are protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(e) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the person or persons are so protected; and
(f) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 25 years.
(2) Strict liability applies to paragraph (1)(d).

268.28 War crime—wilfully causing great suffering
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator causes great physical or mental pain or suffering to, or serious injury to body or health of, one or more persons; and
(b) the person or persons are protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(c) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the person or persons are so protected; and
(d) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 25 years.
(2) Strict liability applies to paragraph (1)(b).

268.29 War crime—destruction and appropriation of property
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator destroys or appropriates property; and
(b) the destruction or appropriation is not justified by military necessity; and
(c) the destruction or appropriation is extensive and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; and
(d) the property is protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(e) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the property is so protected; and
(f) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 15 years.
(2) Strict liability applies to paragraph (1)(d).

268.30 War crime—compelling service in hostile forces
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator coerces one or more persons, by act or threat:
(i) to take part in military operations against that person’s or those persons’ own country or forces; or
(ii) otherwise to serve in the forces of an adverse power; and
(b) the person or persons are protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(c) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the person or persons are so protected; and
(d) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 10 years.
(2) Strict liability applies to paragraph (1)(b).

268.31 War crime—denying a fair trial
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator deprives one or more persons of a fair and regular trial by denying to the person any of the judicial guarantees referred to in paragraph (b); and
(b) the judicial guarantees are those defined in articles 84, 99 and 105 of the Third Geneva Convention and articles 66 and 71 of the Fourth Geneva Convention; and
(c) the person or persons are protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(d) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the person or persons are so protected; and
(e) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 10 years.
(2) Strict liability applies to:
(a) the physical element of the offence referred to in paragraph (1)(a) that the judicial guarantees are those referred to in paragraph (1)(b); and
(b) paragraphs (1)(b) and (c).

268.32 War crime—unlawful deportation or transfer
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator unlawfully deports or transfers one or more persons to another country or to another location; and
(b) the person or persons are protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(c) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the person or persons are so protected; and
(d) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 17 years.
(2) Strict liability applies to paragraph (1)(b).

268.33 War crime—unlawful confinement
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator unlawfully confines or continues to confine one or more persons to a certain location; and
(b) the person or persons are protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(c) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the person or persons are so protected; and
(d) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 17 years.
(2) Strict liability applies to paragraph (1)(b).

268.34 War crime—taking hostages
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator seizes, detains or otherwise holds hostage one or more persons; and
(b) the perpetrator threatens to kill, injure or continue to detain the person or persons; and
(c) the perpetrator intends to compel the government of a country, an international organisation or a person or group of persons to act or refrain from acting as an explicit or implicit condition for either the safety or the release of the person or persons; and
(d) the person or persons are protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions or under Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions; and
(e) the perpetrator knows of, or is reckless as to, the factual circumstances that establish that the person or persons are so protected; and
(f) the perpetrator’s conduct takes place in the context of, and is associated with, an international armed conflict.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 17 years.
(2) Strict liability applies to paragraph (1)(d).


Grave breaches - IAC