Schedule 1—Amendment of the Criminal Code Act 1995
Chapter 8—Offences against humanity and related offences
Division 268—Genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes against the administration of the justice of the International Criminal Court
Subdivision K—Miscellaneous
268.124 Proof of application of Geneva Conventions or Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions
If, in proceedings under this Division in respect of a grave breach of any of the Geneva Conventions or of Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, a question arises under:
(a) Article 2 of the Geneva Convention concerned (which relates to the circumstances in which the Convention applies); or
(b) Article 1 of that Protocol (which relates to the circumstances in which the Protocol applies);
a certificate signed by the Minister responsible for legislation relating to foreign affairs certifying to any matter relevant to that question is prima facie evidence of the matter so certified.
War crimes
Grave breaches - IAC