
Law No. 144/99, of 31 August, on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Part II

Extradition from Portugal

Section III
Special procedural rules for cases of provisional arrest

Article 67
Implementation of the request

2. Within eight days from the date of the arrest, the person concerned may object in writing to his being surrendered to the requesting State, on grounds that the requesting State violated the conditions under which extradition had been granted, indicating the nature of his evidence; the number of witnesses offered to substantiate his claim cannot exceed five.

3. If there is objection, the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 5 of Article 55 and the provisions of Articles 56 and 57, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
4. Any appeal against the decision on the request shall be dealt with according to the provisions of Articles 58 and 59.


Rule of speciality