
International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (5 January 1994/4)

Chapter 3
Specific provisions on the provision of assistance

Section 22
Refusal to give evidence

A witness or expert who appears before a court or a person who appears before a pre trial investigation authority pursuant to a request made by an authority of a foreign State, shall be entitled to refuse to give evidence or make a statement, in so far as the person has a privilege or duty to refuse to give evidence or make a statement under Finnish law or the law of the requesting State. The law of the foreign State shall be taken into account, if the privilege or duty to refuse to give evidence has been indicated in the request for assistance made by the foreign State or if such information is supplied by the requesting authority upon the request of a Finnish court or pre trial investigation authority, or if the privilege or duty otherwise is known to the court or to the pre trial investigation authority.


Facilitating voluntary appearance of persons - national procedures for ICC proceedings