
Law of Georgia on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Georgia

Article 1. The Criminal Code of Georgia ("saqartvelos sakanonmdeblo macne"1) No. 41(48), 1999) shall be amended as follows:

7. Article 411:
a) Subparagraph ”f” of paragraph 1 of article 411 shall be drafted as follows:
”f) Making improper use of a flag of cease-fire, national flag, flag of hostile party, as well as the emblem of the United Nations, Red Cross or Red Crescent and/or of any other protective emblems or signals recognized by international humanitarian law, which resulted in death or serious personal injury;”

b) Subparagraph ”j” of paragraph 1 of article 411 shall be drafted as follows:

”j) Attack on property of hostile party, including any historic monument, pieces of art, a sacred place as on the part of the cultural heritage of peoples, which resulted in destruction and appropriation of property, provided not justified by military necessity; Shall be punished by the imprisonment for a period from ten to fifteen years.”

c) Subparagraphs "d" and "e" of paragraph 2 of article 411 shall be drafted as follows:
"d) Compelling the nationals of hostile party, a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power, or to take part in the operations of war directed against their own country, notwithstanding the fact whether he was or was not in military service before the commencement of the war.

e) Abuse of right of impartial trial of a prisoner of war, a national of hostile power or other protected person"

8. Article413
a) Subparagraph ”a” of article 413 shall be drafted as follows:
"a) Looting, i.e. acquisition of property of the wounded of dead, as well as the acquisition of property of civilians which is left in the area of hostilities or robbery of settlement (populated area) or locality”

b) Subparagraph ”c” of article 413 shall be drafted as follows:
"c) In military operation or armed conflict employing of weapons, military devices, means or weapon of mass destruction, also employing methods of warfare which are of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering or which violate the international law of armed conflict; and if such weapons, military devices and weapons, or methods of warfare are subject to universal prohibition.


War crimes