
The International Crimes Act 2008


Orders relating to Victim Reparation

119. (3) If the Attorney-General gives authority for the request to proceed—
(b) that agency shall, without delay -

(i) in a case where the order requires a monetary payment, take such steps as are necessary to enforce the order as if it were a judgment of the High Court in favour of the Republic in a civil matter for an amount equal to the amount of the monetary payment;
(ii) in a case where the order requires the restitution of assets, property or other tangible items, take such steps as are necessary to enforce the order as if it were a writ of restitution awarded in favour of the Republic under section 178 of the Criminal Procedure
Code; or
(iii) in a case where the order requires another remedy, take such steps as are necessary to enforce the order as if it were enforceable under the High Court Rules; and
(c) that agency shall, without delay, make such report to the Attorney-General on the results of any action taken as it considers to be appropriate in the circumstances.

(4) Nothing in this section limits or affects the provision of other types of assistance to the ICC in relation to an order made under article 75 of the Rome Statute.


Reparations to victims - national procedures for ICC proceedings