
The International Criminal Court Act 2010

Part IV – Arrest and Surrender of Person to ICC

Request from ICC for Arrest and Surrender

27. Refusal of request for arrest and surrender.

(2) The minister may refuse a request for arrest and surrender of a person, at any time before the surrender of the person only if –

(a) there is a competing request for extradition from one or more States not party to the Statute for the person for the same conduct which forms the basis of the crime for which the ICC seeks the person’s surrender and a decision to extradite to a State is made in accordance with article 90 of the Statute and section 41; or
(b) there is a competing request from one or more States not party to the Statute for the extradition of the person for different conduct from that which constitutes the crime for which the ICC requests the person’s surrender and a decision to extradite is made in accordance with article 90 of the Statute and section 41.


Competing request
Competing request - different conduct