
Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan (Excerpt)



CHAPTER 34 Crime Against the Peace and Safety of Mankind

Article 403. Intentional Violations of Norms of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Course of Armed Conflicts

(1) Intentional violation of norms of International Humanitarian Law committed in the course of international or internal armed conflicts, i.e. assaults on population or certain citizens, assaults on installations or erections containing dangerous forces, assaults on a person who has ceased to participate in hostilities, assaults on areas which are not defended and demilitarized zones, destruction and damage of historical monuments, works of arts, treacherous use of Red Cross and Red Crescent signs, and other signs and signals recognized in accordance with International Humanitarian Law, dislocation of the population by occupiers to the territory which has been occupied by them, deportation or dislocation the whole or a part of the population of the occupied territory within this territory or out of the territory, unjustified delay with repatriation of prisoners of war or civil persons, using practice of apartheid and other humiliating actions insulting a person’s dignity, based on racial discrimination and causing a person’s death or serious injury to his/her physical and mental state, or causing serious damage, is punishable by imprisonment for a period of 10 to 15 years.


Humiliating and degrading treatment - IAC
Improper use of the emblems of the Geneva Conventions - IAC
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected - IAC
Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population - IAC
Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population - NIAC
Outrages upon personal dignity - IAC
Transferring own civilians into occupied territory - IAC
Transferring population of an occupied territory - IAC
Violations of laws and customs - IAC
Other serious violations of the laws and customs - NIAC
Repatriation - IAC
Apartheid - war crimes