Book Two : Specific Provisions
Title Twelvebis : Genocide and Crimes against Humanity
Art. 264a
1 The penalty is a custodial sentence of not less than five years for any person who, as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population :
d. severely deprives a person of his or her liberty in violation of the fundamental rules of international law ;
e. and with the intention of removing a person from the protection of the law for a prolonged period of time :
1. on behalf of or with the acquiescence of a State or political organisation, deprives that person of his or her liberty, and thereafter refuses to give information on his or her fate or whereabouts, or
2. on behalf of or with the acquiescence of a State or political organisation or in violation of a legal duty refuses to give information on the fate or whereabouts of the person concerned ;
Imprisonment - crimes against humanity
Severe deprivation of physical liberty - crimes against humanity