PART IV – Extradition (United States)
Article 13 - Seizure and Surrender of Property
1. To the extent permitted under its law, the Requested State may seize and surrender to the Requesting State all articles, documents, and evidence connected with the offense in respect of which extradition is granted. The items mentioned in this Article may be surrendered even when the extradition cannot be effected due to the death, disappearance, or escape of the person sought.
2. The Requested State may condition the surrender of the property upon satisfactory assurances from the Requesting State that the property will be returned to the Requested State as soon as practicable. The Requested State may also defer the surrender of such property if it is needed as evidence in the Requested State.
Other forms of cooperation
International assistance in criminal matters
Cooperation under procedures of national law
National procedures for execution of requests for other forms of cooperation
Request for other forms of cooperation
Taking of evidence - authority - ICC proceedings
Taking of evidence - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Production of evidence - authority - ICC proceedings
Service of documents - authority - ICC proceedings
Service of documents - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Search and seizure - authority - ICC proceedings
Search and seizure - national procedures for ICC proceedings