
International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (2000:562)

Chapter 4. Special provisions concerning different measures of legal assistance

Transfer of persons deprived of liberty for hearings, etc.

Transfer from or to Sweden at the request of a Swedish prosecutor or court

Section 31

A Swedish prosecutor or court may request that, for the purpose of a hearing or confrontation in conjunction with a preliminary investigation or trial in Sweden,
1. a person who is deprived of liberty in Sweden be transferred to the other state, or
2. a person who is deprived of liberty in the other state be transferred to Sweden.

Expression of views

Section 32

Before considering a request that a person deprived of liberty shall be transferred to another state, views shall be obtained from the authority responsible for the enforcement of the detention unless it is manifest that this is unnecessary. The same applies before such a request is made by a Swedish court or prosecutor.


Temporary transfer of persons in custody for purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other forms of assistance - national procedures for ICC proceedings