
Criminal Code



Title Three

Passive Bribery
Section 328

(1) Any person who, either directly or through an intermediary, receives, requests or accepts the promise of a bribe for himself or another for acting or refraining from acting, and thus breaches his duties resulting from his employment, occupation, position or function, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of two to five years.

(2) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of three to eight years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1 acting in a more serious manner.

(3) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of seven to twelve years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1 on an extensive scale.

Section 329

(1) Any person who, in connection with the procurement of a thing of general interest, receives, requests or accepts the promise of a bribe for himself or another, either directly or through an intermediary, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of three to eight years.

(2) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of five to twelve years if he commits the offence referred in paragraph 1 in the capacity of a public official.

(3) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of ten to fifteen years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraphs 1 or 2 on an extensive scale.

Section 330

(1) Any person who as a foreign public official receives, requests or accepts the promise of a bribe for himself or another in connection with his official duties, either directly or through an intermediary, with the intention of obtaining or maintaining an undue advantage in an international business transaction, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of five to twelve years.

(2) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of ten to fifteen years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1 on an extensive scale.

Section 331

(1) Any person who as a member of a foreign parliamentary assembly, judge or official of an international judicial institution recognised by the Slovak Republic, or a representative or employee of an international, supranational, intergovernmental organisation or institution with which the Slovak Republic has a contractual relationship, or as a person in a similar position receives, requests or accepts the promise of a bribe for himself or another in connection with the performance of his function, either directly or through an intermediary, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of five to twelve years.

(2) The offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of ten to fifteen years if he commits the offence referred to in paragraph 1 on an extensive scale.


Offences against administration of justice
Soliciting or accepting a bribe as an official of the Court
National penalties - offences against the administration of justice
National penalties - maximum penalty
National penalties - national proceedings