Part One
Chapter I
The Language and Script Used in Proceedings
Article 11
The Serbian language and the Cyrillic script are in official use in proceedings, and other languages and scripts are in official use in accordance with the Constitution and the law.
Proceedings are conducted in the language and script in official use in the authority conducting proceedings, in accordance with the law.
Parties, witnesses and other persons participating in proceedings are entitled to use their own languages and scripts during proceedings, and, where proceedings are not being conducted in their language and unless, after being advised on their right to translation, they declare that they know the language in which the proceedings are being conducted and that they waive their right to translation, the interpretation of what they or others are saying, as well as translation of instruments and other written evidence, are secured and paid from budget funds.
Translation and interpretation is entrusted to a translator.
Fair trial standards
Rights during trial - interpretation and translation