Penal Procedure Code

Date: April 29, 2006

Relevant Keywords

Admissibility of evidence - national proceedings
Amnesty content
Any other information relevant for the assistance sought
Appeal against other decisions - national proceedings
Availability of procedures under national law
Confidentiality re documents and information
Conflict with existing fundamental legal principle of general application - consultations with the Court
Consent to surrender
Contents of request - national law requirements
Contents of request - other forms of assistance
Cooperation of State
Cooperation under procedures of national law
Equality of arms
Examination of places or sites - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Examination of witnesses - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Fair trial standards
Identification and whereabouts of persons - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Incapacity - national proceedings
Individual criminal responsibility
Information, property or persons subject to the control of a third State or international organisation
Insanity - national proceedings
International assistance in criminal matters
Joint commission
Location of items - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Mental disease or defect - national proceedings
National judicial procedures protecting witnesses from identification – witness protection
National procedures for execution of cooperation request
Ne bis in idem
Nulla poena sine lege
Nullum crimen sine lege
Other forms of cooperation
Other types of assistance - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Preservation of evidence - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Presumption of innocence
Procedure for witness testimony - national proceedings
Production of evidence - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Protection of safety of physical or psychological well-being of victims, witnesses and families
Provision of records and documents - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Provisional arrest
Provisional arrest for national proceedings
Questioning of persons - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Recidivism of criminal offences
Reduction of national sentence following pre-trial detention - national proceedings
Refusal of ICC request
Refusal of ICC request - protection of national security
Request for arrest and surrender
Request for cooperation
Request for other forms of cooperation
Rights during investigation - access to interpreter and translation if questioned in other language
Rights during investigation - arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of liberty
Rights during investigation - self incrimination
Rights during trial - adequate preparation of defence
Rights during trial - burden of proof
Rights during trial - counsel of accused's choosing
Rights during trial - disclosure of evidence to defence
Rights during trial - free communication with counsel
Rights during trial - informed promptly and in detail of charges
Rights during trial - interpretation and translation
Rights during trial - legal assistance
Rights during trial - present at trial
Rights during trial - raise defences
Rights during trial - remain silent
Rights during trial - tried without undue delay
Rights during trial - unsworn oral or written statement in defence
Search and seizure
Search and seizure - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Service of documents - national procedures for ICC proceedings
State privileges and immunities
Statement of purpose of request and assistance sought
Taking of evidence - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Temporary transfer of persons in custody for purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other forms of assistance - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Trials in absentia
Victims' rights - national proceedings
Witness protection - national procedures for ICC proceedings