'National procedures re enforcement of sentences imposed' in document 'Moldova - Criminal Code'

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Chapter VII

Article 70. Imprisonment

(1) Imprisonment is the deprivation of the liberty of a person guilty of the commission of a crime by the forced isolation of the person from his/her normal living environment and confinement in a penitentiary for a certain term based on a court decision.

(2) Imprisonment shall be set for a term of from 3 months to 20 years.

(3) When setting the punishment for a person who at the date of the commission of the crime was aged under 18, the term of imprisonment shall be determined from the maximum punishment established by criminal law for the crime committed reduced by half.

(4) When setting the final punishment in a case of a cumulation of crimes, imprisonment may not exceed 25 years for adults and 12 years and 6 months for juveniles, and in a case of a cumulation of sentences, it cannot exceed 30 years for adults and 15 years for juveniles.

(5) In a case of substitution of life imprisonment with a milder punishment as mercy, imprisonment for 30 years shall be applied.


Chapter VII

Article 71. Life Imprisonment

(1) Life imprisonment is the deprivation of the liberty of the convict for the entire rest of his/her life.

(2) Life imprisonment shall be set only for exceptionally serious crimes.

(3) Life imprisonment may not be applied to women and juveniles.


Chapter VIII

Article 86. Application of Punishment in Cases of Executing a Foreign State's Decision

(1) In executing a foreign state's decision, the court shall substitute the punishment of imprisonment applied in the foreign state with a punishment set by its own criminal law for the same act without aggravating the criminal situation of the convict as determined by the foreign state's decision. If the law of a foreign state provides for a punishment milder than the minimum provided by domestic law, the court shall not be bound to that minimum and shall apply a punishment corresponding to the one pronounced in the foreign state.

(2) Any part of a punishment pronounced in a foreign state and any period of temporary detention executed by the convict shall be entirely deducted by the court decision on the recognition of the foreign state's decision.

(3) When executing a foreign state's decision on the application of a fine or the seizure of a sum of money, the court shall calculate the amount in national currency applying the exchange rate in force at the moment when the decision on the recognition of the foreign state's decision was pronounced, without exceeding the maximum limit of the punishment set by the foreign state for such an act.

(4) Fines and the seizures of goods resulting from the execution of foreign states' decisions shall accrue to the Republic of Moldova without prejudice to the rights of third states.