'Using children under 15 to participate actively in hostilities - IAC' in document 'Macedonia - Criminal Code'

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War crimes against the civil population

Article 404

(1) A person who, by violating the rules of international law, during a war, armed conflict or occupation, orders an attack upon civil population, a settlement, certain civil persons or persons incapacitated for combat, which had as consequence death, serious body injury or serious disturbance to the health of the people ; an attack without choosing the target, which strikes the civil population ; to commit against the civil population murder, torture, inhuman acts, biological, medical or other scientific experiments, taking tissue or organs for the purpose of transplantation, inflicting grave suffering or injury to the body integrity or the health ; resettlement and moving or forced denationalization or transfer to some other religion ; coercion to prostitution or rape, sexual slavery or causing forced pregnancy, forced sterilization or other type sexual violence, the implementation of measures of fear and terror, taking hostages, collective punishment, illegal taking to concentration camps and other illegal arrests, depriving of the right to a proper and unbiased trial or implementation of sentence or execution without prior verdict issued by a legally based court in a procedure that provides the generally accepted court guarantees ; coercion for service in the armed forces of the enemy or in its intelligence service or administration, enrolment and recruitment of minors under 15 years of age in the armed forces and their use through active participation in military activities ; utilization of the presence of civilians or other protected persons as life shield in certain places or areas where the armed forced are acting coercion to forced labor, starving of the population, hindering of the approach to the humanitarian aid confiscation of property, pilfering of property of the population, illegal and self-willed destruction or usurpation of a larger extent of properties which is not justified by the military needs, taking an unlawful and excessive contribution and requisition, decreasing the value of the domestic currency or unlawful issue of money ; or the person who commits some of the above mentioned crimes

- shall be punished with imprisonment of at least ten years, or with life imprisonment.


Article 8
War crimes
2. For the purpose of this Statute, "war crimes" means:
(b) Other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict, within the established framework of international law, namely, any of the following acts:
(xxvi) Conscripting or enlisting children under the age of fifteen years into the national armed forces or using them to participate actively in hostilities