Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine

Date: Dec. 28, 1960

Relevant Keywords

Admissibility of evidence - national proceedings
Appeal against decision of acquittal or conviction or against sentence - national proceedings
Appeal against other decisions - national proceedings
Appeal of decision on admissibility
Appeal relating to a decision granting or denying release of the person being investigated or prosecuted - national proceedings
Appeal relating to a decision involving an issue that would significantly affect the fair and expeditious conduct of the proceedings or the outcome of the trial - national proceedings
Arrest for ICC proceedings - obligation
Arrest for national proceedings
Competent national authority
Competent national judicial authority
Consent to surrender
Contents of request
Contents of request for arrest and surrender
Contents of request for arrest and surrender - national law requirements
Contents of request for provisional arrest
Cooperation under procedures of national law
Detention pending surrender
Determination of sentence - national proceedings
Disruption of trial - removal of the accused
Early release - national proceedings
Equality of arms
Examination of witnesses - national proceedings
Fair trial standards
Identification and whereabouts of persons - national proceedings
Immunity - national proceedings
Impeding, intimidating or corruptly influencing an official of the Court
International assistance in criminal matters
Joint sentence following multiple convictions - national proceedings
Language of requests for cooperation
National judicial procedures protecting witnesses from identification – witness protection
National penalties - offences against the administration of justice
National procedures for inclusion in programme – witness protection
National procedures for temporary transfer for purposes of identification, for obtaining testimony or other assistance
National proceedings on admission of guilt
Non-disclosure of former identity – witness protection
Non-disclosure of other information – witness protection
Nulla poena sine lege
Nullum crimen sine lege
Obligations arising out of State or diplomatic immunity
Offences against administration of justice
Other forms of cooperation
Postponement - ongoing investigation or prosecution
Procedure for witness testimony - national proceedings
Production of evidence - national proceedings
Protection of safety of physical or psychological well-being of victims, witnesses and families
Provisional arrest
Provisional arrest - consent to surrender
Provisional arrest - detention pending surrender
Provisional arrest - release - national proceedings
Provisional arrest for national proceedings
Questioning of persons - national proceedings
Reduction of national sentence following pre-trial detention - national proceedings
Refusal of ICC request
Request for arrest and surrender
Request for provisional arrest
Revision of conviction or sentence - national proceedings
Rights during investigation - access to interpreter and translation if questioned in other language
Rights during investigation - arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of liberty
Rights during investigation - informed of belief that crime has been committed
Rights during investigation - legal assistance
Rights during investigation - not to be subjected to any form of coercion, duress or threat, to torture or to any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
Rights during investigation - questioned in presence of counsel
Rights during investigation - remain silent
Rights during investigation - self incrimination
Rights during trial - adequate preparation of defence
Rights during trial - conduct defence in person
Rights during trial - disclosure of evidence to defence
Rights during trial - examine witnesses
Rights during trial - free communication with counsel
Rights during trial - informed promptly and in detail of charges
Rights during trial - interpretation and translation
Rights during trial - legal assistance
Rights during trial - present at trial
Rights during trial - raise defences
Rights during trial - unsworn oral or written statement in defence
Rule of speciality
Sanctions for misconduct before the court - national proceedings
Search and seizure - national proceedings
Sentencing - national proceedings
State privileges and immunities
Taking of evidence - national proceedings
Temporary return of prisoner to ICC
Temporary transfer of persons in custody for purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other forms of assistance - national proceedings
Termination of protection and assistance – witness protection
Trials in absentia
Victims' protection - national proceedings
Victims' rights - national proceedings
Witness protection - national proceedings
Witnesses' rights - national proceedings