Detention during transit

See Also


Rome Statute

Article 89
Surrender of persons to the Court
3. (c) A person being transported shall be detained in custody during the period of transit

States with implementing provisions

Austria [1]
Belgium [1]
Belize [1]
Canada [1]
Germany [1]
Greece [1]
Ireland [1]
Japan [1]
Kenya [1] [2]
Liechtenstein [1]
Malta [1]
Mauritius [1] [2]
New Zealand [1] [2]
Portugal [1] [2] [3]
Samoa [1]
Slovakia [1] [2]
South Africa [1]
Sweden [1]
Switzerland [1]
Trinidad and Tobago [1] [2]
Uganda [1]
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [1]