Deferral of case by ICC to State

See Also


Rome Statute

Article 18
Preliminary rulings regarding admissibility
2. Within one month of receipt of that notification, a State may inform the Court that it is investigating or has investigated its nationals or others within its jurisdiction with respect to criminal acts which may constitute crimes referred to in article 5 and which relate to the information provided in the notification to States. At the request of that State, the Prosecutor shall defer to the State's investigation of those persons unless the Pre-Trial Chamber, on the application of the Prosecutor, decides to authorize the investigation.

States with implementing provisions

Austria [1]
Croatia [1] [2] [3] [4]
Estonia [1] [2]
Finland [1]
Germany [1]
Kenya [1]
Portugal [1]
Serbia [1] [2]
Slovakia [1] [2]
Sweden [1]