The General Part
Title III
Chapter III
The regulation for execution of main penalties applied to natural persons
Section 6
Parole for life detention convicts
Art.72– (1) Persons convicted to life detention can be released on parole after the actual execution of 20 years of detention, if he/she is consistent at work, well disciplined and shows serious improvement, also taking into account the criminal antecedents.
(2) Convicts over the age of 60 can be released on parole after the actual execution of 15 years of detention, if the other conditions provided in para.(1) are also met.
(3) A penalty shall be deemed as executed if within 10 years from parole the convict has not committed any new offence. If during this interval the convict has committed a new offence, Art.73 shall apply accordingly.
(4) During parole the court can oblige the convict to submit to measures of supervision provided in Art.103.
National penalties - life imprisonment