Chapter VI
Article 56. Exemption from Criminal Liability Due to Voluntary Abandonment of a Crime
(1) Voluntary abandonment of a crime shall be considered the cessation by the person of the preparation of a crime or the cessation of actions (inaction) directly aimed at committing a crime provided that the person was aware of the possibility of consummating the crime.
(2) A person may not be subject to criminal liability for a crime if he/she voluntarily and irreversibly abandons the completion of the crime.
(3) A person who voluntarily abandons the consummation of a crime shall be subject to criminal liability only if the act committed includes another consummated crime.
(4) The organizer and the instigator of a crime shall not be subject to criminal liability if they, through timely notification of law enforcement bodies or through other measures, prevent the completion of the crime by the author. An accomplice in a crime shall not be subject to criminal liability if he/she took all possible measures to prevent the crime.
Individual criminal responsibility
Voluntary withdrawal