Part 1
Chapter 2
Division 3
§ 34. Mental capacity
A person is not mentally capable if at the time of commission of an act he or she is incapable of understanding the unlawfulness of the act or incapable to act according to such understanding due to :
1) a mental illness ;
2) a temporary severe mental disorder ;
3) mental disability ;
4) feeble-mindedness ; or
5) any other severe mental disorder.
§ 35. Diminished mental capacity
If the capacity of a person to understand the unlawfulness of his or her act or to act according to such understanding is substantially diminished due to one of the reasons specified in § 34 of this Code, the court may apply the provisions of § 60 of this Act.
Incapacity - national proceedings
Insanity - national proceedings
Mental disease or defect - national proceedings