
Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine

Section IX


Chapter 37


Article 454. Limits of the criminal liability of the surrendered person

The person extradited to Ukraine, can be brought to the criminal liability or can sentence of the court can be served against him only for those crimes, for which surrender (extradition) is executed.

The restrictions, stated by the competent body of foreign state at decision-making on surrender of the person to Ukraine, have binding character at passing of corresponding procedural decisions by the body of prejudicial inquiry, the public prosecutor or court.

If warnings of the competent body of foreign state concerning restrictions on surrender of the person relate to serving of a sentence, the court, which has passed a sentence, shall pass decision on its carry into effect only for those actions for which surrender was executed.

In case of commitment by a person before his surrender (extradition) of other crime not being specified by request on surrender, such person can be brought to the criminal liability or a court sentence for this crime can be executed only after reception of the consent of the competent body of foreign state extraditing the person.

The request on such consent is prepared and sent according to the procedure provided by article 453 of this Code for request on surrender of the person (extradition).

In case of brining of the person to the criminal liability for a crime, committed by such person after extradition, reception of such consent is not required.


Rule of speciality