
Law No. 975, 25 July 2005 Issuing Provisions for the Reincorporation of Members of Illegal Armed Groups Who Effectively Contribute to the Attainment of National Peace, and Other Provisions for Humanitarian Accords Are Issued

Investigation and prosecution

Article 24. Content of the verdict. In keeping with the criteria established in the law, the guilty verdict shall set the principal sentence and the accessory penalties. It shall also include the alternative sentence provided for in this law, the commitments with respect to conduct for the term ordered by the Court, the obligations with respect to moral and economic reparation to the victims, and forfeiture of the assets that are to be earmarked for reparation.
The respective Chamber shall be responsible for evaluating compliance with the requirements provided for in this law to be eligible for the alternative penalty.


Reparations to victims - national proceedings
Determination of sentence - national proceedings
National penalties - national proceedings