Abetting |
Admissibility challenge |
Admissibility challenge - State investigation or prosecution |
Admissibility challenge - competing request |
Admissibility challenge - competing request - consultations with the Court |
Admissibility challenge - ne bis in idem |
Admissibility challenge - ne bis in idem - consultations with the Court |
Admissibility of evidence - national proceedings |
Age of criminal responsibility |
Age of criminal responsibility - ICC proceedings |
Age of criminal responsibility - national proceedings |
Aggravating factors |
Aggravating factors - ICC proceedings |
Aggravating factors - national proceedings |
Aggregation of criminal offences |
Aggression |
Aiding |
Amendments |
Amendments – APIC |
Amnesty |
Amnesty compatibility |
Amnesty content |
Any other form of sexual violence |
Any other form of sexual violence - IAC |
Any other form of sexual violence - NIAC |
Any other form of sexual violence - crimes against humanity |
Any other information relevant for the assistance sought |
Apartheid |
Apartheid - crimes against humanity |
Apartheid - war crimes |
Appeal |
Appeal against decision of acquittal or conviction or against sentence - ICC proceedings |
Appeal against decision of acquittal or conviction or against sentence - national proceedings |
Appeal against other decisions - ICC proceedings |
Appeal against other decisions - national proceedings |
Appeal by legal representative of the victims regarding reparations - ICC proceedings |
Appeal by legal representative of the victims regarding reparations - national proceedings |
Appeal of decision on admissibility |
Appeal relating to a decision granting or denying release of the person being investigated or prosecuted - ICC proceedings |
Appeal relating to a decision granting or denying release of the person being investigated or prosecuted - national proceedings |
Appeal relating to a decision involving an issue that would significantly affect the fair and expeditious conduct of the proceedings or the outcome of the trial - ICC proceedings |
Appeal relating to a decision involving an issue that would significantly affect the fair and expeditious conduct of the proceedings or the outcome of the trial - national proceedings |
Appeal relating to a decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber to act on its own initiative under 56(3) - ICC proceedings |
Appeal relating to a decision with respect to jurisdiction or admissibility - ICC proceedings |
Appeal relating to a decision with respect to jurisdiction or admissibility - national proceedings |
Appearance of victims |
Appearance of victims - ICC proceedings |
Appearance of victims - national proceedings |
Applicability |
Applicability of Agreement – APIC |
Applicable law |
Applicable penalties |
Applicable penalties - ICC proceedings |
Arrest |
Arrest for ICC proceedings - national procedures |
Arrest for ICC proceedings - obligation |
Arrest for national proceedings |
Assembly of States Parties |
Assembly of States Parties representation |
Assets |
Assistance from State not Party under ad hoc agreement |
Assistance of States in the attendance and testimony of witnesses and production of documents |
Assisting |
Assurance that the witness will not be prosecuted, detained or subjected to restriction of personal freedom |
Attack |
Attacking or bombarding towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives - IAC |
Attempt |
Automatic jurisdiction |
Availability of additional procedures |
Availability of procedures |
Availability of procedures under national law |
Awareness of conflict |
Awareness of conflict - crimes against humanity |
Awareness of conflict - war crimes |
Biological experiments - IAC |
Capacity to contract, acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property and participate in legal proceedings - APIC |
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group |
Change in designation of State of enforcement |
Child soldiers |
Civilian population |
Civilian population - crimes against humanity |
Combatant |
Command responsibility |
Command responsibility - ICC proceedings |
Command responsibility - national proceedings |
Commission |
Commission through another person |
Common purpose |
Communication with the ICC |
Compelling a prisoner of war to serve in the forces of a hostile power - IAC |
Compelling a protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile power - IAC |
Compelling nationals of hostile party to take part in operations of war against their own country - IAC |
Compensation |
Compensation - ICC proceedings |
Compensation - national proceedings |
Competent authority |
Competent national authority |
Competent national judicial authority |
Competing request |
Competing request - case inadmissible - notification of decision |
Competing request - different conduct |
Competing request - different conduct - international obligation to extradite |
Competing request - different conduct - no obligation to extradite |
Competing request - same conduct |
Competing request - same conduct - State not Party |
Competing request - same conduct - State not Party - international obligation |
Competing request - same conduct - State not Party - no international obligation - case admissible |
Competing request - same conduct - State not Party - no international obligation - pending admissibility decision |
Competing request - same conduct - State party |
Competing request - same conduct - State party - case admissible |
Competing request - same conduct - State party - pending admissibility decision |
Complementarity |
Conditions attached to the willingness to accept sentenced persons |
Conditions of imprisonment / detention - international treaty standards |
Confidentiality |
Confidentiality re documents and information |
Confidentiality re national security |
Confidentiality re request for cooperation and supporting documentation |
Conflict with existing fundamental legal principle of general application - consultations with the Court |
Conscripting children under 15 into armed forces or groups - NIAC |
Conscripting children under 15 into the national armed forces - IAC |
Consent to surrender |
Conspiracy |
Consultations with the Court |
Contents of request |
Contents of request - national law requirements |
Contents of request - national law requirements - consultations with the Court |
Contents of request - other forms of assistance |
Contents of request for arrest and surrender |
Contents of request for arrest and surrender - national law requirements |
Contents of request for arrest and surrender - national law requirements - consultations with the Court |
Contents of request for provisional arrest |
Contents of request for transit |
Continuous criminal offences |
Contribution |
Cooperation |
Cooperation of State |
Cooperation under procedures of national law |
Corruptly influencing a witness, obstructing or interfering with the attendance or testimony of a witness, retaliating against a witness for giving testimony or destroying, tampering with or interfering with the collection of evidence |
Costs |
Crimes against humanity |
Criminal responsibility of legal persons |
Cruel treatment - NIAC |
Customary international law |
Decision not to proceed by Pre-Trial Chamber or Prosecutor |
Declaration by State not Party |
Declaring abolished, suspended or inadmissible in a court of law the rights and actions of the nationals of a hostile party - IAC |
Defences |
Deferral |
Deferral of case by ICC to State |
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part |
Denial of quarter |
Denial of quarter - IAC |
Denial of quarter - NIAC |
Denunciation – APIC |
Deportation |
Deportation of population - crimes against humanity |
Destroying or seizing the enemy's property unless imperative |
Destroying or seizing the enemy's property unless imperative - IAC |
Destroying or seizing the enemy's property unless imperative - NIAC |
Detention |
Detention during transit |
Detention pending surrender |
Determination of sentence |
Determination of sentence - ICC proceedings |
Determination of sentence - national proceedings |
Direct execution of request on State territory following determination of admissibility |
Direct execution of request on State territory in other cases |
Direct execution of requests on State territory |
Discharge |
Discharge - insufficient evidence |
Display of flag, emblem and markings - APIC |
Disruption of trial - removal of the accused |
Documents |
Duress |
Duress - ICC proceedings |
Duress - national proceedings |
Early release |
Early release - ICC proceedings |
Early release - national proceedings |
Elements of Crimes (Document) |
Elements of crimes |
Employing asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices - IAC |
Employing bullets which flatten or expand - IAC |
Employing poison or poisoned weapons - IAC |
Employing weapons, projectiles and materials and methods of warfare which are inherently indiscriminate - IAC |
Employing weapons, projectiles and materials and methods of warfare which cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering - IAC |
Enforced disappearance - crimes against humanity |
Enforced prostitution |
Enforced prostitution - IAC |
Enforced prostitution - NIAC |
Enforced prostitution - crimes against humanity |
Enforced sterilisation |
Enforced sterilisation - IAC |
Enforced sterilisation - NIAC |
Enforced sterilisation - crimes against humanity |
Enforcement of fines |
Enforcement of forfeiture orders |
Enforcement of national penalties - conditions of imprisonment |
Enforcement of national penalties - fines |
Enforcement of national penalties - forfeiture orders |
Enforcement of national penalties - imprisonment |
Enforcement of national penalties - reparations |
Enforcement of sentence of imprisonment |
Enforcement of sentences imposed |
Enlisting children under 15 into armed forces or groups - NIAC |
Enlisting children under 15 into the national armed forces - IAC |
Enslavement - crimes against humanity |
Entry into force |
Entry into force – APIC |
Equality of arms |
Escape |
Escape - ICC proceedings |
Escape - national proceedings |
Establishment of new identity – witness protection |
Examination of places or sites |
Examination of places or sites - authority - ICC proceedings |
Examination of places or sites - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Examination of places or sites - national proceedings |
Examination of witnesses |
Examination of witnesses - authority - ICC proceedings |
Examination of witnesses - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Examination of witnesses - national proceedings |
Execution of requests for assistance (under Articles 93 and 96) in accordance with national law |
Exemption from taxes, customs duties and import or export restrictions - APIC |
Exercise of functions outside its headquarters - APIC |
Extensive appropriation of property - IAC |
Extensive destruction of property - IAC |
Extermination - crimes against humanity |
Extradition |
Facilitating voluntary appearance of persons |
Facilitating voluntary appearance of persons - authority - ICC proceedings |
Facilitating voluntary appearance of persons - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Facilitating voluntary appearance of persons - national proceedings |
Facilities in respect of communications - APIC |
Failure to cooperate |
Failure to cooperate - referral to Assembly of States Parties |
Failure to cooperate - referral to Security Council |
Fair trial standards |
Financing |
Fines |
Forced pregnancy |
Forced pregnancy - IAC |
Forced pregnancy - NIAC |
Forced pregnancy - crimes against humanity |
Forcible transfer of population - crimes against humanity |
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group |
Forfeiture of assets |
Forfeiture of assets - authority - ICC proceedings |
Forfeiture of assets - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Forfeiture of assets - national proceedings |
Forfeiture orders |
Freezing of assets - authority - ICC proceedings |
Freezing of assets - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Freezing of assets - national proceedings |
Funds and Freedom from currency restrictions - APIC |
Gender |
Genocidal intent |
Genocide |
Genocide - other punishable acts |
Giving false testimony |
Grave breaches - IAC |
Grounds for excluding criminal responsibility |
Group |
Humiliating and degrading treatment - IAC |
Humiliating and degrading treatment - NIAC |
Humiliating or degrading treatment |
ICC cooperation with authorities of State Party – APIC |
ICC duty not to interfere in internal affairs of State Party– APIC |
ICC duty to respect laws and regulations of State Party – APIC |
ICC investigation |
ICC investigation - national procedures |
ICC privileges and immunities |
ICC proceedings |
ICC sitting in State territory |
Identification and whereabouts of persons |
Identification and whereabouts of persons - authority - ICC proceedings |
Identification and whereabouts of persons - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Identification and whereabouts of persons - national proceedings |
Identification of assets |
Identification of assets - authority - ICC proceedings |
Identification of assets - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Identification of assets - national proceedings |
Immunity |
Immunity - ICC proceedings |
Immunity - national proceedings |
Immunity - representatives of States participating in the Assembly and its subsidiary organs and representatives of intergovernmental organisations - APIC |
Immunity - representatives of States participating in the proceedings of the Court - APIC |
Immunity of property, funds and assets - APIC |
Impeding, intimidating or corruptly influencing an official of the Court |
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group |
Imprisonment |
Imprisonment - crimes against humanity |
Improper use of a flag of truce - IAC |
Improper use of flag |
Improper use of the emblems of the Geneva Conventions - IAC |
Improper use of the flag of the United Nations - IAC |
Improper use of the flag of the enemy - IAC |
Improper use of the military insignia and uniform |
Improper use of the military insignia and uniform of the United Nations - IAC |
Improper use of the military insignia and uniform of the enemy - IAC |
Incapacity |
Incapacity - ICC proceedings |
Incapacity - national proceedings |
Incitement |
Incitement - other crimes |
Incitement to genocide |
Individual commission |
Individual criminal responsibility |
Individual criminal responsibility - other form of assistance |
Inducing |
Information |
Information re location or identification of person or place required for assistance |
Information required under the law of the requested State |
Information, property or persons subject to the control of a third State or international organisation |
Inhuman treatment - IAC |
Initiation of ICC investigation |
Insanity |
Insanity - ICC proceedings |
Insanity - national proceedings |
Intent |
Intent - ICC proceedings |
Intent - national proceedings |
Intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group |
Intent to destroy, in whole or in part, other groups |
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected |
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected - IAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected - NIAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport using the emblems of the Geneva Conventions |
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport using the emblems of the Geneva Conventions - IAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport using the emblems of the Geneva Conventions - NIAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects - IAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against individual civilians not taking part in hostilities |
Intentionally directing attacks against individual civilians not taking part in hostilities - IAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against individual civilians not taking part in hostilities - NIAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against installations, material, medical units or vehicles involved in humanitarian assistance |
Intentionally directing attacks against installations, material, medical units or vehicles involved in humanitarian assistance - NIAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations |
Intentionally directing attacks against installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations - IAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations - NIAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against installations, material, units or vehicles involved in humanitarian assistance - IAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel involved in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations |
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel involved in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations - IAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel involved in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations - NIAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel involved in humanitarian assistance |
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel involved in humanitarian assistance - IAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel involved in humanitarian assistance - NIAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel using the emblems of the Geneva Conventions |
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel using the emblems of the Geneva Conventions - IAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel using the emblems of the Geneva Conventions - NIAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population |
Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population - IAC |
Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population - NIAC |
Intentionally launching attacks that will cause environmental damage - IAC |
Intentionally launching attacks that will cause incidental damage to civilian objects - IAC |
Intentionally launching attacks that will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians - IAC |
Intentionally starving as method of warfare - IAC |
Interim release pending surrender |
Internal disturbances and tensions |
Internal disturbances and tensions (riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence or other acts of a similar nature) |
Internal disturbances and tensions (riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence or other acts of a similar nature) - protracted armed conflict |
International armed conflict |
International assistance in criminal matters |
International legal personality- APIC |
Interpretative declarations |
Intoxication |
Intoxication - ICC proceedings |
Intoxication - national proceedings |
Inviolability of archives and documents - APIC |
Inviolability of communications - APIC |
Inviolability of premises - APIC |
Irrelevance of official capacity |
Joint commission |
Joint sentence following multiple conviction |
Joint sentence following multiple convictions - ICC proceedings |
Joint sentence following multiple convictions - national proceedings |
Jurisdiction |
Jurisdiction of custodial State or State where present |
Jurisdiction ratione temporis |
Killing |
Killing members of the group |
Killing or wounding a combatant who has laid down his arms and surrendered at discretion - IAC |
Killing or wounding a combatant who no longer has means of defence and has surrendered at discretion - IAC |
Killing or wounding treacherously a combatant adversary - NIAC |
Killing or wounding treacherously individuals belonging to the hostile nation or army - IAC |
Knowledge |
Knowledge - ICC proceedings |
Knowledge - national proceedings |
Knowledge of the attack - crimes against humanity |
Laissez-passer – APIC |
Language |
Language of requests for cooperation |
Large-scale commission - war crimes |
Legal Aid |
Limitation on the prosecution or punishment of other offences |
Location of items |
Location of items - authority - ICC proceedings |
Location of items - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Location of items - national proceedings |
Manifestly unlawful order |
Means and methods of warfare |
Medical experiments |
Medical experiments - IAC |
Medical experiments - NIAC |
Mental disease or defect |
Mental disease or defect - ICC proceedings |
Mental disease or defect - national proceedings |
Mental element |
Mistake of fact |
Mistake of fact - ICC proceedings |
Mistake of fact - national proceedings |
Mistake of law |
Mistake of law - ICC proceedings |
Mistake of law - national proceedings |
Mitigating factors |
Mitigating factors - ICC proceedings |
Mitigating factors - national proceedings |
Multiplicity of criminal offences |
Murder |
Murder - NIAC |
Murder - crimes against humanity |
Mutilation |
Mutilation - IAC |
Mutilation - other serious violations of laws and customs of war - NIAC |
Mutilation - serious violation of Common Article 3 - NIAC |
National judicial procedures protecting witnesses from identification – witness protection |
National penalties |
National penalties - aggression |
National penalties - crimes against humanity |
National penalties - death sentence |
National penalties - genocide |
National penalties - life imprisonment |
National penalties - maximum penalty |
National penalties - national proceedings |
National penalties - offences against the administration of justice |
National penalties - war crimes |
National procedures |
National procedures for execution of cooperation request |
National procedures for execution of requests for other forms of cooperation |
National procedures for inclusion in programme – witness protection |
National procedures for temporary transfer for purposes of identification, for obtaining testimony or other assistance |
National procedures re enforcement of sentences imposed |
National proceedings |
National proceedings on admission of guilt |
National prosecution for offences against the administration of justice |
National security |
Nationality jurisdiction |
Nationality jurisdiction - ICC proceedings |
Nationality jurisdiction - national proceedings |
Ne bis in idem |
Ne bis in idem - ICC |
Ne bis in idem - State's own court |
Ne bis in idem - foreign court |
Ne bis in idem - other international court or tribunal |
Necessity |
Necessity - ICC proceedings |
Necessity - national proceedings |
Negligence |
New income or other means |
Nomination of judges |
Nomination of prosecutor |
Non-disclosure of former identity – witness protection |
Non-disclosure of other information – witness protection |
Non-international armed conflict |
Non-modification of sentence by State |
Non-prejudice to national law |
Non-prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties in the enforcement of forfeiture orders |
Non-retroactivity |
Not affording judicial guarantees to the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions - NIAC |
Notification |
Notification of circumstances that could materially affect terms or extent of imprisonment |
Notification of competing request |
Nulla poena sine lege |
Nullum crimen sine lege |
Obligation of host State to enforce sentences |
Obligation to cooperate |
Obligation to inform the Court of reasons for denial of assistance |
Obligations arising out of State or diplomatic immunity |
Obligations of host State |
Obligations towards the sending State |
Occupied territory |
Offences against administration of justice |
Offences against exercise of ICC jurisdiction |
Offences relating to witness protection |
Omission |
Ordering |
Ordering displacement of the civilian population - NIAC |
Other defences |
Other defences - ICC proceedings |
Other defences - national proceedings |
Other forms of cooperation |
Other inhumane acts - crimes against humanity |
Other necessary measures – witness protection |
Other prohibited weapons - IAC |
Other serious violations of the laws and customs - NIAC |
Other types of assistance |
Other types of assistance - authority - ICC proceedings |
Other types of assistance - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Other types of assistance - specified conditions, alternative manner or later date |
Outrages upon personal dignity |
Outrages upon personal dignity - IAC |
Outrages upon personal dignity - NIAC |
Pardon |
Part of plan or policy - war crimes |
Passive personality jurisdiction |
Periodical review by ICC regarding reduction of sentence |
Persecution - crimes against humanity |
Persecution against any identifiable collectivity on other grounds universally recognised as impermissible under international law - crimes against humanity |
Persecution against any identifiable collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, or gender grounds - crimes against humanity |
Persecution against any identifiable group on other grounds universally recognised as impermissible under international law - crimes against humanity |
Persecution against any identifiable group on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, or gender grounds - crimes against humanity |
Person sought for different crime |
Person sought for different crime - consultations with the Court |
Pillaging |
Pillaging - IAC |
Pillaging - NIAC |
Postponement - admissibility challenge |
Postponement - ongoing investigation or prosecution |
Postponement of execution of ICC request |
Preparation |
Presenting false or forged evidence |
Preservation of evidence |
Preservation of evidence - authority - ICC proceedings |
Preservation of evidence - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Preservation of evidence - national proceedings |
Presumption of innocence |
Priority of Rome Statute over national law |
Privileges and Immunities - Deputy Registar, staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and staff of the Registry - APIC |
Privileges and Immunities - Judges, Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutors and Registar - APIC |
Privileges and immunities – counsel and persons assisting defence counsel – APIC |
Privileges and immunities – experts – APIC |
Privileges and immunities – in State of nationality and permanent residency – APIC |
Privileges and immunities – other persons required to be present at the seat of the Court – APIC |
Privileges and immunities – personnel recruited locally – APIC |
Privileges and immunities – victims – APIC |
Privileges and immunities – witnesses – APIC |
Procedure for witness testimony - national proceedings |
Proceeds of crimes |
Production of evidence |
Production of evidence - authority - ICC proceedings |
Production of evidence - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Production of evidence - national proceedings |
Prohibited attacks |
Prohibited weapons |
Prohibited weapons - NIAC |
Property |
Proprio motu investigation |
Prosecutorial steps ahead of admissibility challenge |
Protected persons |
Protection of national security |
Protection of safety of physical or psychological well-being of victims, witnesses and families |
Protective jurisdiction |
Providing means |
Provision of accommodation – witness protection |
Provision of information or documents, or other assistance or cooperation by intergovernmental organisation |
Provision of information to competent authorities – witness protection |
Provision of reasonable financial assistance – witness protection |
Provision of records and documents |
Provision of records and documents - authority - ICC proceedings |
Provision of records and documents - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Provision of records and documents - national proceedings |
Provision of transport for property – witness protection |
Provisional arrest |
Provisional arrest - consent to surrender |
Provisional arrest - detention pending surrender |
Provisional arrest - release - ICC proceedings |
Provisional arrest - release - national proceedings |
Provisional arrest for ICC proceedings - national procedures |
Provisional arrest for national proceedings |
Questioning of persons |
Questioning of persons - authority - ICC proceedings |
Questioning of persons - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Questioning of persons - national proceedings |
Rape |
Rape - IAC |
Rape - NIAC |
Rape - crimes against humanity |
Ratification/accession/approval |
Reasons for and details of procedure or requirement to be followed |
Recidivism of criminal offences |
Recklessness |
Reduction of national sentence following pre-trial detention - ICC proceedings |
Reduction of national sentence following pre-trial detention - national proceedings |
Reduction of national sentence follwing pre-trial detention |
Referral |
Referral by Security Council |
Referral by State |
Refusal by the Pre-Trial Chamber or conclusion by the Prosecutor not to proceed |
Refusal of ICC request |
Refusal of ICC request - competing request |
Refusal of ICC request - protection of national security |
Reimbursement of duties and/or taxes - APIC |
Relationship between Rome Statute and existing or developing rules of international law |
Release |
Release prior to surrender |
Relocation – witness protection |
Reparations |
Reparations to victims - ICC proceedings |
Reparations to victims - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Reparations to victims - national proceedings |
Repatriation - IAC |
Repetition of criminal offences |
Reprisals |
Request by State for ICC assistance |
Request for arrest and surrender |
Request for cooperation |
Request for other forms of cooperation |
Request for provisional arrest |
Request for transit |
Reservations to the Rome Statute |
Residence Jurisdiction |
Restoration of former identity – witness protection |
Retaliating against an official of the Court |
Revision of conviction or sentence |
Revision of conviction or sentence - ICC proceedings |
Revision of conviction or sentence - national proceedings |
Rights during investigation |
Rights during investigation - access to interpreter and translation if questioned in other language |
Rights during investigation - arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of liberty |
Rights during investigation - informed of belief that crime has been committed |
Rights during investigation - legal assistance |
Rights during investigation - not to be subjected to any form of coercion, duress or threat, to torture or to any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment |
Rights during investigation - questioned in presence of counsel |
Rights during investigation - remain silent |
Rights during investigation - self incrimination |
Rights during trial |
Rights during trial - adequate preparation of defence |
Rights during trial - burden of proof |
Rights during trial - conduct defence in person |
Rights during trial - counsel of accused's choosing |
Rights during trial - disclosure of evidence to defence |
Rights during trial - examine witnesses |
Rights during trial - free communication with counsel |
Rights during trial - informed promptly and in detail of charges |
Rights during trial - interpretation and translation |
Rights during trial - legal assistance |
Rights during trial - present at trial |
Rights during trial - raise defences |
Rights during trial - remain silent |
Rights during trial - tried without undue delay |
Rights during trial - unsworn oral or written statement in defence |
Rule of speciality |
Rule of speciality - waiver |
Sanctions for misconduct before the court - national proceedings |
Scientific experiments |
Scientific experiments - IAC |
Scientific experiments - NIAC |
Search and seizure |
Search and seizure - authority - ICC proceedings |
Search and seizure - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Search and seizure - national proceedings |
Security Council |
Security Council deferral |
Seizure of assets |
Seizure of assets - authority - ICC proceedings |
Seizure of assets - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Seizure of assets - national proceedings |
Self-defence |
Self-defence - ICC proceedings |
Self-defence - national proceedings |
Sentencing |
Sentencing - ICC proceedings |
Sentencing - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Sentencing - national procedures for national proceedings |
Sentencing - national proceedings |
Serious violations of Common Article 3 - NIAC |
Service of documents |
Service of documents - authority - ICC proceedings |
Service of documents - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Service of documents - national proceedings |
Settlement of differences on interpretation or application of Agreement– APIC |
Settlement of disputes |
Settlement of disputes with third parties– APIC |
Severe deprivation of physical liberty - crimes against humanity |
Sexual slavery |
Sexual slavery - IAC |
Sexual slavery - NIAC |
Sexual slavery - crimes against humanity |
Signature/ratification/acceptance/approval/accession – APIC |
Social security – APIC |
Soliciting |
Soliciting or accepting a bribe as an official of the Court |
State appeal and revision of sentence |
State assistance |
State assistance to ICC defence |
State assistance to defence |
State assistance to national defence |
State investigation or prosecution |
State investigation or prosecution – provision of records and documents |
State investigation or prosecution – taking of evidence |
State privileges and immunities |
Statement of facts underlying the request |
Statement of purpose of request and assistance sought |
Statute of limitations |
Statute of limitations - ICC proceedings |
Statute of limitations - national proceedings |
Superior / subordinate relationship |
Superior / subordinate relationship (civilian) - ICC proceedings |
Superior / subordinate relationship (civilian) - national proceedings |
Superior / subordinate relationship (military) - ICC proceedings |
Superior / subordinate relationship (military) - national proceedings |
Superior orders |
Superior orders - ICC proceedings |
Superior orders - national proceedings |
Superior responsibility |
Superior responsibility - ICC proceedings |
Superior responsibility - national proceedings |
Supervision of enforcement of sentences and conditions of imprisonment |
Surrender |
Surrender - obligation |
Surrender - procedures |
Taking of evidence |
Taking of evidence - authority - ICC proceedings |
Taking of evidence - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Taking of evidence - national proceedings |
Taking of hostages |
Taking of hostages - IAC |
Taking of hostages - NIAC |
Temporary return of prisoner to ICC |
Temporary transfer of persons in custody for purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other assistance |
Temporary transfer of persons in custody for purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other forms of assistance - authority - ICC proceedings |
Temporary transfer of persons in custody for purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other forms of assistance - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Temporary transfer of persons in custody for purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other forms of assistance - national proceedings |
Termination of protection and assistance – witness protection |
Territorial jurisdiction |
Territorial jurisdiction - ICC proceedings |
Territorial jurisdiction - national proceedings |
Terrorism |
Third party information or documents |
Torture |
Torture - IAC |
Torture - NIAC |
Torture - crimes against humanity |
Tracing of assets |
Tracing of assets - authority - ICC proceedings |
Tracing of assets - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Tracing of assets - national proceedings |
Transfer |
Transfer of fines to the ICC |
Transfer of forfeitures to the ICC |
Transfer of sentenced person to State |
Transfer of sentenced person to another State |
Transfer of the person upon completion of sentence |
Transferring own civilians into occupied territory - IAC |
Transferring population of an occupied territory - IAC |
Transit |
Transit proceedings |
Transitional provision |
Transportation and transit through State territory for surrender |
Treatment of prisoners - international treaty standards |
Trials in absentia |
Unique investigative opportunity |
Unique provision - IAC |
Unique provision - NIAC |
Unique provision - cooperation |
Unique provision - crimes against humanity |
Unique provision - defences |
Unique provision - genocide |
Unique provision - jurisdiction |
Unique provision - modes of liability |
Unique provision - ne bis in idem |
Unique provision - other crimes |
Unique provision - procedure |
Unique provision - substantive law |
Unique provision - war crimes |
Unique provisions |
United Nations |
Universal jurisdiction |
Unlawful confinement - IAC |
Unlawful deportation - IAC |
Unlawful transfer - IAC |
Unscheduled landing on territory of transit State |
Use of assumed name – witness protection |
Using children under 15 to participate actively in hostilities - IAC |
Using children under 15 to participate actively in hostilities - NIAC |
Utilising the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations - IAC |
Victims |
Victims' protection |
Victims' protection - authority - ICC proceedings |
Victims' protection - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Victims' protection - national proceedings |
Victims' rights |
Victims' rights - ICC proceedings |
Victims' rights - national proceedings |
Victims' trust fund |
Violations of laws and customs - IAC |
Visas – APIC |
Voluntary surrender |
Voluntary withdrawal |
Waiver of privileges and immunities -APIC |
War crimes |
Widespread or systematic attack - crimes against humanity |
Wilful killing - IAC |
Wilfully causing great suffering - IAC |
Wilfully causing serious injury to body - IAC |
Wilfully causing serious injury to health - IAC |
Wilfully depriving a prisoner of war of the rights of fair and regular trial - IAC |
Wilfully depriving a protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial - IAC |
Wilfulness - war crimes |
Willingness to accept sentenced persons |
Witness protection |
Witness protection - authority - ICC proceedings |
Witness protection - national procedures for ICC proceedings |
Witness protection - national proceedings |
Witnesses' rights |
Witnesses' rights - ICC proceedings |
Witnesses' rights - national proceedings |
Wounding |
compulsion on witnesses and plaintiff to testify |