
The Criminal Code

The Special Part

Title I
Crimes and delicts against persons

Chapter I
Crimes against humankind

Inhuman treatment

Art.173 – (1) Subjection of injured or diseased persons, of members of the civil health personnel or of the personnel of the Red Cross or of organisations equated to it, of castaways, prisoners of war and in general of any other person fallen into the enemy’s powers to inhuman treatment, or to medical or scientific experiments not justified by a medical treatment in their best interest, shall be punished by severe detention from 15 to 20 yearsand the prohibition of certain rights.


Biological experiments - IAC
Cruel treatment - NIAC
Humiliating and degrading treatment - IAC
Humiliating and degrading treatment - NIAC
Inhuman treatment - IAC
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel involved in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations - IAC
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel involved in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations - NIAC
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel involved in humanitarian assistance - IAC
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel involved in humanitarian assistance - NIAC
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel using the emblems of the Geneva Conventions - IAC
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel using the emblems of the Geneva Conventions - NIAC
Killing or wounding a combatant who has laid down his arms and surrendered at discretion - IAC
Killing or wounding a combatant who no longer has means of defence and has surrendered at discretion - IAC
Killing or wounding treacherously a combatant adversary - NIAC
Medical experiments - IAC
Medical experiments - NIAC
Mutilation - IAC
Mutilation - other serious violations of laws and customs of war - NIAC
Mutilation - serious violation of Common Article 3 - NIAC
Other inhumane acts - crimes against humanity
Outrages upon personal dignity - IAC
Outrages upon personal dignity - NIAC
Scientific experiments - IAC
Scientific experiments - NIAC
Severe deprivation of physical liberty - crimes against humanity
Torture - crimes against humanity
Torture - IAC
Torture - NIAC
Wilfully causing great suffering - IAC
Wilfully causing serious injury to body - IAC
Wilfully causing serious injury to health - IAC
Serious violations of Common Article 3 - NIAC